Why smart generation?
We focus on locally generated sustainable energy. In this way we limit CO₂ emissions and global warming. Moreover, the demand for electricity is increasing because we are moving away from natural gas. Think of heat pumps, electric cars and cooking with electricity.
By generating energy with renewable sources. Sources that never run out and do not harm the environment. Consider sources such as the sun, tides and ground heat.
Solarpark Ameland
The solar park at the airport generates enough solar energy on an annual basis for the electricity consumption of all 1,700 households on the island. That is a good start! However, more sustainable energy is needed to contribute to meet the total island’s energy demand.
We are investigating other sustainable generation options for this, such as deep and shallow geothermal energy and ways to convert biomass to energy. There will also be a second solar park at the Ballummerbocht.
Energy park Ballumerbocht
Making recreational homes more sustainable
P1 Meter
Smart heating of Ameland
Sufficient network capacity
Test with fuel cell on hydrogen gas
Transition vision for heat
Buren gives Energy