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Window insulation

Insulating windows means taking two important factors into account: insulating glass (1) and the right window frames (2).

1- Insulating glass

New standard

Due to the increased insulating effect, new homes now have HR++ or triple glazing as standard.

Upgrade old double glazing

Is your home already fully equipped with older double glazing? Then it is also worthwhile to replace this double glazing with HR++ or triple glazing. HR++ glass insulates approximately 2.5 times better than the older standard double glazing. This investment will certainly pay for itself in the longer term.


HR glass HR comes from the abbreviation high-efficiency glass and stands for glass with a high insulating effect.

The higher the number of pluses, the better the glass insulates: HR+ has gas between the glazing instead of air, HR++ has gas and an improved coating and HR+++ has three layers of glass (triple glass) with gas in between and a double coating.


Upgrade your glass

What if you cannot or do not want to replace the glass in your home? Better insulation is still possible with a number of alternatives:

a- Insulating foil By covering single glass with (non-sun protection) foil, the insulation value improves. Paste carefully to avoid air bubbles and mold formation.

b- Foil on window frames Cover your window frames with insulating foil. An extra layer of air is created between the foil and the glass. This foil is effective and almost invisible, but more vulnerable than the other options.

c- Additional window An additional window can be placed in front of or behind an existing window. This prevents heat from entering or escaping through the window.

d- Curtains Hanging thick curtains saves approximately the same amount of energy as applying insulation foil. Both options together provide even better insulation.

2- The right window frames

Sometimes old window frames no longer meet the new insulation standards. As a result, a lot of heat and sound is lost through the window frames themselves.

Window frames are made of different materials that have different insulating values.


More do-it-yourself

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