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September 15, 2023

Province of Drenthe visits Sustainable Ameland for energy transition inspiration

On Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 September, members of the Provincial Council of Drenthe came for a States excursion to Ameland. This year the theme of the State Excursion was ‘Energy of the Future’. A theme that suits Ameland, which wants to be at the forefront of the energy transition for 15 years.

In conversation about energy transition

In conversation about sustainable projects on Ameland After an opening word from the King’s Commissioner of Drenthe, Jetta Klijnsma, Mayor Leo Pieter welcomed the group. The attendees then discussed the energy transition and challenges for Ameland in the field of sustainability. The Members of Parliament also visited the sustainable Burgemeester Walda School in Nes, the Ameland lighting plan was explained and Luc van Tiggelen gave a presentation about Sustainable Ameland.

About the States Excursion

The States Excursion is an annual phenomenon. It is a time for members to get to know each other better, but also to learn more about how other municipalities tackle certain issues.

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