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September 6, 2023

Background: Isolation. Cool in summer. Warm in winter.

Improving the insulation of your home (further) is a very good idea. Good insulation keeps your house nice and cool on hot days and warm in the cold seasons. Although the weather is still beautiful, the days are getting shorter again. A good time to see what is possible in the field of insulation. You can read about it in the The Practical Insulation Guide.

Smart insulation guide

The municipality of Ameland developed ‘The Practical Insulation Guide’. A booklet packed with useful information and tips about insulating your home. The booklet shows which small, simple measures you can take and what else is possible in addition to those small measures. The checklist on the back of the guide will help you with this. Last year, all Amelander households received a paper version of the guide. The digital version can be found here.

More information

Do you need more (free) information or advice? You can find a lot of information about making your home or business more sustainable at Duurzaam Bouwloket. You will also find reliable information and good ideas on the MilieuCentraal website. Do you live on Ameland and do you have specific technical questions? You can submit this by email to Erwin de Boer from the municipality of Ameland.

The benefits of insulation

With good insulation you need less energy. You will notice this immediately on the energy bill. Most people also experience more comfort after the insulation in their home has been improved. And the CO₂ emissions of your home go down. And the less CO₂, the better for the climate.

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